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CPW #11 Detailed Pricing

These prices are for CPW #11 - 5 days / 4 nights in October of 2024 (October 17 to 21, 2024). The single largest price here is the lodge - and the number of nights we are staying there. Pricing is done per room and divided out from there by how many people end up staying in the room together. The fixed per person cost is the cost of food and other fixed costs not associated with the bedroom.

Per person costs work out to $35 each day for food and $70 to $125 per night for the lodging (depending on which room one is in).

We also have a sliding scale for people attending with 3 different rates that can be selected when you pay your registration deposit:

Reduced Rate: between 30% and 60% of the Standard Rate - based on what you can afford. This rate is for those who frequently struggle to meet basic needs or are facing temporary financial crisis. To get this rate, select the Reduced Rate option when getting your Registration Deposit tickets. 

Standard Rate: The prices that are shown below. This rate is the rate that is required for us to basically break even for the weekend. This rate is for those who are mostly able to meet basic needs and have some discretionary income. This is the standard $120 deposit.

Redistribution Rate: This is just the regular $120 deposit plus a one-time $150 donation to the "Helping Out" fund. This rate is for those who comfortably meet their basic needs and have significant discretionary income. To get this rate, select the Redistribution Rate option when getting your Registration Deposit tickets. 

Choose the rate that works best for you.


Standard rates for the event:

Rooms with one king bed (private bath):

  • $980 for the room + $125 / person

  • Examples:

      • with 2 people in the room: $615 per person

      • with 3 people in the room: $455 per person

      • with 4 people in the room: $370 per person

Rooms with one queen bed (private bath or shared bath):

  • $930 for the room + $125 / person

    • Examples:

      • with 2 people in the room: $590 per person

      • with 3 people in the room: $435 per person

Twin beds in the bunk bed room are reserved individually (shared bath). Let the organizer know if you would prefer a top or bottom bunk. The room may be mixed gender: 

  • $275 for a twin bed + $125 / person

    • Examples:

      • ​with 1 person in the bed:  $400 per person

Loft/hallway twin bed (shard bath). Let the organizer know if you would like to stay on this bed:

  • $235 for a loft twin bed + $125 / person

    • Examples:

      • with 1 person in the bed: $360 per person

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will answer as soon as possible.

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